Max Bailey

Candidate Care

At the heart of our team is Max, a true advocate for candidate sourcing and care within the diverse wealth management sector. With a keen focus on superannuation, life insurance, banking & credit, and investment roles, Max's role is pivotal in ensuring a seamless experience for candidates and contributing to the growth of our sector.

Currently pursuing his Bachelor of Commerce and Psychology (Hons) at Macquarie University, Max brings a fresh perspective and a wealth of knowledge to our candidate care team. Stepping into the professional world after completing his HSC, Max embarked on a journey as an Applied Behavioural Analysis Therapist. This experience has endowed him with a fine-tuned skill for exceptional client care.

Max's dedication to his role is evident in every interaction he has. His genuine care for candidates and his expertise in behavioural analysis underpins his ability to provide personalised support tailored to each individual's needs. Whether it's guiding candidates through the application process or addressing their queries, Max is driven to make a positive impact at every step.

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